Monday 8 April 2013

What is Graphic Design?

Over the Easter break we were set the task of answering the question “What is graphic design?
I couldn’t quite think of how to depict or produce an artist piece to answer this question.
Instead of going home for Easter, I spent the “holiday”, if you would call it that, working on university assignments as well as freelance work for a client.

The definition of Graphic Design as explained on is:
Graphic Design is an interdisciplinary, problem-solving activity that combines visual sensitivity with skill and knowledge in areas of communications, technology an business. Graphic design practitioners specialise in the structure and organisation of visual information to aid communication and orientation. The graphic design process is a problem solving process, one that requires substantial creativity, innovation and technical expertise. An understanding of a client's product or service and goals, their competitors and the target audience is translated into a visual solution created from the manipulation, combination and utilisation of shape, colour, imagery, typography and space.

For me, I have discovered that the subject within a working environment is more about task juggling, and more precisely, finding time to allocate to various tasks set by clients. In my case, it is juggling uni work and client work. While it is important to prioritise uni work over other things, surely working for a client and establishing a good relation upon project completion is just, if not more important, as the universal aim for students getting into a job after university. Well, that’s all good, but it is easier said then done as these days, the competition for anyone within the arts is getting more and more greater, and the success upon getting a place with a business is more reliant on who you know, more than what you know.
If I was able to do the things within graphic design that inspire and motivate me the most,  as for example: doing my own design ideas and setting up my own online apparel store, I would. However, I have to work around tasks of higher priority, which need to be done, and so bringing my own ideas into life must be postponed. That is just the realities of life.

So this is my little rant about what I feel graphic design is. Don’t get me wrong, I love the subject and always have, but I wanted to express my own personal thoughts about what I feel graphic design is. Sorry for not painting a prettier picture.