Sunday 24 March 2013

Disaster Book

For this brief we were tasked with thinking up a disaster, not necessarily a catastrophic one such as the polar ice caps melting or a zombie apocalypse, instead it could be a daily disaster like dropping your toast butter-side down when you're already late for work.

After thinking of an appropriate disaster we had to make it into a small book constructed from a singular sheet of A4 folded down to make an A6 booklet.

It took me a while to think of a disaster that wasn't a typical kind, I wanted to do something that was unique and have a personal connection with.

While watching The Pirates of the Caribbean - The Dead Man's Chest I was captivated by the tragic love story between The goddess Calypso and sailor Davy Jones. I feel that this love story is the best love story, a mans love for the sea but unable to tame it, not exactly your typical "and they all lived happily ever after".

The disaster of this story, shortened down:

Long ago during Greek mythology and legends, the daughter of Atlas, Calypso ruled the seas and was both loved and feared by all men drawn to the sea.

A great, sea-fairing man by the name of Davy Jones fell deeply in love with the goddess who too returned her affection.

Calypso charged Davy Jones with the duty to command the Flying Dutchman, to guide souls of those who died at sea into the afterlife so that once every ten years he could come ashore and be with her, together for a single day.

After ten years of faithful servitude Jones returned from the underworld to be with his true love to find she was not there, for she, the sea, was fickle and untameable.

The betrayal committed by Calypso was too much for Davy Jones to bear and so he carved out his heart, locked it in a chest and hid it away from the world.

Enraged, betrayed, cruel and now heartless Davy Jones conspired with the Pirate Brethren, telling them how to imprison Calypso to single, mortal form, unable to rule the seas.

Jones returned to the seas, abandoning his task of ferrying souls and instead sought to rule the seas himself. This path would change the life or Davy Jones forever.

Page layout mock-up

 Test layout


To make the book look authentic to it's subject matter I stained the paper with tea and crumpled it to give it an aged effect. I also Incorporated my own pen illustration on the the front cover of the book, regrettably the designs within are not my own but I manipulated them in Photoshop to blend them into the paper colour.

In the film Davy Jones cut's out his heart and locks it away in a chest, I made my own adaptation of this within the photos by instead of a real heart inside a chest the heart on the cover of the book is the heart of Davy Jones.