Monday 12 November 2012

Chance or Fate?

My Religious Views:                             

I personally believe that the world could be a better place if we humans didn't have religion.
I feel that it's used to "justify" intentions of human acts i.e. "God wants this" and "Allah wants this" etc and contributes to the worlds problems (the holocaust, war on terror, Spanish inquisition etc.)

Example 1:
The Nazi's - responsible for the murder of 6 million Jews used Christianity to "justify" and back up their reason for The Holocaust. German soldiers had the words "Gott mit uns" (God with us) engraved on their belt buckles, encouraging the soldiers was on their side.

The Swastika, originally used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun , power, strength and good luck, recognised as a symbol of peace was taken by Hitler to symbolise their own intentions for an Aryan world peace, through hate and anti-Semitic murder.

Example 2:
The Crusade - Christian army lead by King Richard (Richard the Lionheart) into Jerusalem and massacred the Moors because of their religious differences and justifying that their where doing God's work.

Example 3:
The Spanish Inquisition - Used for both political and religious reasons. Following the Crusades and the Reconquest of Spain by the Christian Spaniards the leaders of Spain needed a way to unify the country into a strong nation. Ferdinand and Isabella chose Catholicism to unite Spain and in in 1478 asked permission of the pope to begin the Spanish Inquisition to "purify' the people of Spain, driving out the Jews, Protestants and other non-believers with the method of murder and horrific torture.

This is my poster design for this project. I wanted to produce a poster that would stir people thoughts about what life be like if religion didn't exist. This is where I stand with religion, I respect that people have they're own beliefs but it's just not for me. Like marmite, some people like it and others don't.
I have always been a fan of retro artwork, especially propaganda poster art from around the 1900's.
I had various other ideas for my design but I thought the most hard hitting would be one relating to 9/11; perhaps if there was no religion the Twin Towers may still be standing, with the workers still working inside. Depicted is the friendship between a Western Caucasian and Middle-Eastern, with no religious differences. The year is 2013 and the New York Twin Towers haven't been hit.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Alternative Youth Internet TV Show


* TV documentary on it's own channel providing information about famous (not necessarily) i.e. Pyramids of Giza, Great Wall of China, Reichstag, The Shard etc. This program would come under the same category of program as Channel 4's Coast or Time Team.

* Could be viewed on Channel 4, Channel 4 OD (On Demand), Sky etc.

* Target Audience: anyone with an interest in the subject of architecture, especially students.

* Mobile phone App providing stat information of buildings when captured on camera (image - visual recognition).

* Sponsored by Google, Google Maps

* Twitter and Facebook pages

* Magazine / promotional article within existing magazine.

* Top Trump playing cards

*  Involvement in London's Open House.

* Website with a Design your own building page, Autocad, 3D schematics.

* Funding from BBC, Channel 4 etc.

* Info / data from architect firms, archives, historians etc.

Logo Ideas:

Phone App:

Are you one of many people who when walking the streets, stop and marvel at architecture without any knowledge of the building/s then continue on with your day and have forgotten all about it within 10 mins? Well what if there was an app on your phone that could provide you with brief stat info about the buildings you stop to momentarily gaze at. My idea would be to design an app that when a building is captured on the phone's camera it'd use visual recognition and and GPS to find the location of the captured building and within seconds (depending on wireless and signal strength) provide a Top Trump - like display of the the building's image and stat information such as: Cost to build, Architect, Started, Completed and it's location. Further information would be available should the user decide to find out more. This is perfect for quick curiosity when en-route to the office.

Channel 4 posters: